sábado, 23 de mayo de 2015

Task 17 CLIL e) Create a Glogster

Glogster is an intercative tool that enable us to explain or to ask for tasks in an interactive way. Here we present a glogster with the main ideas about the play writen by Shakespeare, "The Merchant of Venice". That is the main characters, part of the plot to be guessed by our students and, finally the main themes we find. Following this example, that can be used to explain part of the unit, our students will be asked to go to the link and create one the characters and about what happens in Venetia, Velmont and the Courtroom. In this way, they will be prepared to deal with questions about the plot of the play and they will learn to use this interactive blackboard we have.

The content, originality and order will be evaluated in this task. 

Task 16 CLIL d) Create an ESL video

In this ESL video we have created, our students will be asked to complete a listening exercise about a video that summarises the first part of "The Merchant of Venice". By watching it in cartoons instead of just reading it, the information will be more catched for our students and the process will be easier. As we only have the scene in the video and it will presented in the first session dealing with this content, our students will be asked to guess how it is going to continuo. In this way, we make it more interesting for them.

Task 15 CLIL c) Create a webquest

The situation of Jews in the Shakespearean period

Without any doubts, the basic plot of “The Merchant of Venice” is anti-semitic. First of all, let’s make sure we know what “anti-semitic” word is. According to the Anti-Defamation League, the anti-semitism is “the behavior hostile towards Jews because they are Jewish”.

  Let’s find out information on the Internet!
Go to these websites to complete this net of tasks:

-          “Although Jesus Christ himself was born a Jew, there have been battles between Jews and Christians for 2000 years”. Why?
-          What happened with Jews when Shakespeare was writing?
-          Which persecution is been the worst in history?

-          When were the Jews deported to France? Under which King?
-          Who is Rodrigo López?
-          He was guilty or innocent? Taking into account the ending of Rodrigo’s story, can you find an anti-semitic sense in the history?

-          What does the word “Shylock” mean?
-          Is this formal language? Or informal?

4: watch the following video about Shylock’s speech in one of the film versions

-          What is Shylock saying?
-          According to him, what is Antonio’s reason to despise him?
-          Can you find the connection to what we are discussing?
What about Jewish people in Venice? Go to the following address!

-          Fill the gaps

While _____ did not settle in Venice until the 13th century, many Jewish ______ and _______ visited and worked in the city beginning with the 10th century.

-          What can you find in relation to the play in the previous sentence?
-          Name what was allowed to Jews and what was not.
-          What is the Guetto?
-          How is the situation of Jews nowadays in Venice?

Task 14 CLIL b) Publish your materials in issuu

We have created a didactic unit to teach one of the most important authors we find in the English literature, history, culture and language: William Shakespeare. The first question we must answer is: “Why teaching Shakespeare?”. Shakespeare stories, characters and themes have been, are and will be a powerful source of meaning and culture in every generation and our students of English should know what this great playwright did for the English culture and the huge variety of words and idioms he added to the richness of the English language.  Moreover, studying Shakespeare is to acquire all kinds of language. We can learn about vocabulary, grammar, the understanding of the Elizabethan period or Shakespeare’s life. 

Task 13 CLIL a)  CLIL Template

Plantilla para diseñar una unidad CLIL

Materia / Área: Literatura Universal

Título de la Unidad:  Shakespeare: The Merchant of Venice         Curso/Nivel: 2 BACH

1. Objectives / evaluation criteria

          To comprehend the history behind the story created by William Shakespeare
          To understand the period in which Shakespeare was writing
          To acquire more knowledge about Shakespeare’s plays
2. Area content

Dealing with Shakespeare through one of his most important plays. Besides, learning the historical background as well.
3.Language content/communication

(el profesor de área no lingüística (ANL) también prestará atención a este aspecto)


Nouns: Warranty, imposition, usurer, amity, dowry, moneylender, notary, bargain, loan, guarantee, bond.

Verbs: lend, borrow, beholdin to, cost, charge.

-          Reported Speech
-          The use of tenses we need to construct the reported speech forms
-          The use of modals
-          The use of structures to maintain discussions in class
Skills /Tip of text

 4.Cultural element

The students will learn about Venetian customs such as Mask History tradition and the period in which Shakespeare wrote. They will also learn in our unit not to judge everything by its first impressions and developing a respect to our cultures by studying the anti Semitic sense of the play.
5.Cognitive Process

Analyzing the different topics inside the play to be able to discuss in class the main ideas

Summarizing to avoid getting lost with the plot

6. (a). Final Task
Many years have passed (you decide how many), imagine how life would be for our characters. Then, perform it in front of the class.
6. (b). Activities

The activities will be held in pairs, in groups and individual tasks
7. Metodología

Group / Class distribution / Timing

The activities will be held in pairs, in groups or in individual tasks
They will be arranged in 8 sessions of 55 minutes long
Depending on the activity, its duration will be about 10 minutes or more


The materials will be used in order to facilitate the study of the vocabulary related to the topic and the grammar given. Moreover, a dictionary, for example will also help a student in the identification of a word. Our students will have a copy of “The Merchant of Venice” to be read at home in order to discuss the ideas provided in class; they will ask any doubts through the forum created, where the teacher will answer.
In addition, in order to reach a satisfactory learning of this unit, our classes will be imparted in the computer room, where our students can be connected in the forum and can search the specific information asked in the set of WebPages we provide. Moreover we will use the interactive blackboard so the different use of resources will lead to a creative way in which the students will learn and have fun at the same time.

Key Competences

·         Competence in linguistic communication. In this Didactic Unit designed, our students will use the most vivid aspect of the language by using it in terms of discussion about real topics we can find in this play written by Shakespeare.
·         Competence in knowledge of and interaction with the physical world. This Didactic Unit will also contribute to the students’ general knowledge about the world. Since our aim is not only to teach the written words but everything that goes beyond Shakespeare’s writing, they will know some aspects of the history of England and Venetia.
·         Competence in processing information and use of ICT. Without any doubts our students will acquire competence of ICT because our unit is mostly designed to be imparted in a computer room, where our students can use the computer in order to complete the set of tasks we provide.
·         Competence in social skills and citizenship. Our students will develop their social skills by learning in our unit not to judge everything by its first impressions and developing a respect to our cultures by studying the anti Semitic sense of the play.
·         Cultural and artistic competence. One of the tasks in this unit will be to design the three caskets that appear in the Act II of the play. Moreover, the final task will consist of representing an imaginary scene in which, after many years, our main characters see each other and tell how life is going on for them. In this way, they surely develop the artistic competence related to theatre which is one of the most important arts we have.
·         Autonomy and personal initiative. In order to complete the majority of tasks created, the student will have to look for their own information in the WebPages given, so in this way, is not controlled and the students can develop their personal skills to learn. In addition, the forum created will consist of posts written by our students when they are at home reading the play so it is responsibility of them to post, discuss and reply the posts created by the teacher.

8. Assessment

The assessment will be done on one hand, through the notes taken by the teacher in class. That is, his/her observation of the learning process, how the students are doing the exercises, how they are assimilating the new information and adapting it to the knowledge that they previously had. It will count 10% for homework, the teacher will ask for homework every day. 20 % will be done through the behavior of the student, if he/she shows interest about the topic taught, if he/she is silent in class and the participation in class and with their classmates in the exercises in pair work.

On the other hand, as we are dealing with a task based approach unit, the highest percentage will be devoted to how well they do the final task and how well they use the knowledge acquired at the end of the Didactic Unit, 70%. That is, taking into account the final grade in the task. As part of this 70%, a 10% will be done through the peer evaluation introduced at the end.

Task 12: Create a web page

This webpage is created to make our teachers of English aware of the importance of learning English and providing some details that enforce this issue.

You can see the website by clicking here!
Task 11.5: Set of Hot Potatoes

Vocabulary Match

Vocabulary Match

Vocabulary Match

Matching exercise

Match the items on the right to the items on the left.
Beholdin to