sábado, 23 de mayo de 2015

Task 15 CLIL c) Create a webquest

The situation of Jews in the Shakespearean period

Without any doubts, the basic plot of “The Merchant of Venice” is anti-semitic. First of all, let’s make sure we know what “anti-semitic” word is. According to the Anti-Defamation League, the anti-semitism is “the behavior hostile towards Jews because they are Jewish”.

  Let’s find out information on the Internet!
Go to these websites to complete this net of tasks:

-          “Although Jesus Christ himself was born a Jew, there have been battles between Jews and Christians for 2000 years”. Why?
-          What happened with Jews when Shakespeare was writing?
-          Which persecution is been the worst in history?

-          When were the Jews deported to France? Under which King?
-          Who is Rodrigo López?
-          He was guilty or innocent? Taking into account the ending of Rodrigo’s story, can you find an anti-semitic sense in the history?

-          What does the word “Shylock” mean?
-          Is this formal language? Or informal?

4: watch the following video about Shylock’s speech in one of the film versions

-          What is Shylock saying?
-          According to him, what is Antonio’s reason to despise him?
-          Can you find the connection to what we are discussing?
What about Jewish people in Venice? Go to the following address!

-          Fill the gaps

While _____ did not settle in Venice until the 13th century, many Jewish ______ and _______ visited and worked in the city beginning with the 10th century.

-          What can you find in relation to the play in the previous sentence?
-          Name what was allowed to Jews and what was not.
-          What is the Guetto?
-          How is the situation of Jews nowadays in Venice?

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